Self-Reflection Can Help Process & Publish
Cognitive privileging is real. In academe, there is a preference for how folks should think, communicate, and conduct research; and a painfully pervasive notion that emotion renders one as less-than-academic. This preference is a throwback to Plato, in that it separates “truth” from “belief” under the guise of objectivity. The result of this belief is extreme pressure to separate feelings from facts and thus, an epistemological and methodological preference that might prevent one from engaging in science. Researchers can use self-reflection as a means to process feelings and communicate knowledge around their experiences.
This page offers resources to:
Explain cognitive privileging
Address the cognitive privileging
Motivate the use of transparency over objectivity, as if there is such a thing
Illustrate how self-reflection deepens adult learning by facilitating learners’ development of a critical worldview
Offer rigorous, scientific research produced from methods that emphasize a critical worldview, transparency, and self-reflection. Please use these studies to see how necessary and valuable your perspectives and critiques are.
The articles listed are easily found on google scholar and/or academic databases.
On Cognitive Privileging
Ani, M. (1994). Yurugu: An African-centered critique of European cultural thought and behavior. Africa World Press.
Woolf, R. (2013). Plato and the norms of thought. Mind, 122(485), 171–216. https://doi.org/10.1093/mind/fzt012
Van Patter, G. K. (2018). Surfacing Bias in the Context of Innovation. Retrieved from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/surfacing-bias-context-innovation-gk-vanpatter/
Dotson, K. (2011). Tracking epistemic violence, tracking practices of silencing. Hypatia, 26(2), 236-257.
Moving Past Objectivity: Critical Self-Reflections as Science
Taylor, E. W. (2017). Transformative learning theory. In Transformative learning meets building (pp. 17-29). Brill Sense.
Ellis, C., Adams, T. E., & Bochner, A. P. (2011). Autoethnography: an overview. Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung, 273-290.
Boylorn, R. M., & Orbe, M. P. (2016). Introduction Critical Autoethnography as Method of Choice. In Critical autoethnography (pp. 13-26). Routledge.
Muncey, T. (2010). Creating autoethnographies. Sage Publications.
Adams, T. E., & Holman Jones, S. (2008). Autoethnography is queer. Handbook of critical and indigenous methodologies, 373-390.
Chang, H. (2013). Individual and collaborative autoethnography as method. Handbook of autoethnography, 107-122.
Jones, S. H., Adams, T., & Ellis, C. (2016). Introduction: Coming to know autoethnography as more than a method. In Handbook of autoethnography (pp. 17-48). Routledge.
Boylorn, R. M. (2013). Blackgirl blogs, auto/ethnography, and crunk feminism. Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, 9(2), 73-82.