Life-Saving Literature
This page is devoted to formative literature about blackness, white supremacy, and white male dominance. Obviously, I’m a fan of one philosopher. Many of these words saved my life. Others are parked here for me to read later. Articles are presented in alphabetical order.
Bailey, A. (2018). On Anger, Silence, and Epistemic Injustice. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements, 84, 93-115.
Berenstain, N. (2016). Epistemic exploitation.
Cooper, B. C., Morris, S. M., & Boylorn, R. M. (2017). The crunk feminist collection. The Feminist Press.
Cooper, B. C. (2017). Beyond respectability: The intellectual thought of race women. University of Illinois Press.
Cooper, B. (2018). Eloquent rage: A Black feminist discovers her superpower. St. Martin's Press.
Hester, S. L., & Squires, C. R. (2018). Who are we working for? Recentering black feminism. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 15(4), 343-348.
McKinnon, R. (2016). Epistemic injustice. Philosophy Compass, 11(8), 437-446.
Mills, C. W. (2014). The racial contract. Cornell University Press.
Mills, C. W., & Mills, C. W. (1998). Blackness visible: Essays on philosophy and race. Cornell University Press.
Mills, C. W. (2007). Multiculturalism as/and/or Anti-Racism?. In Multiculturalism and political
theory (pp. 89-114). Cambridge University Press.
Mills, C. (2007). White ignorance. Race and epistemologies of ignorance, 247, 26-31.
Nobles, M. (2000). "The Tables present plain matters of fact ". In Shades of Citizenship: Race and the Census in Modern Politics. Stanford University Press.
Shange, Savannah. "Black Girl Ordinary: Flesh, Carcerality, and the Refusal of Ethnography." Transforming Anthropology 27, no. 1 (2019): 3-21.
Tschaepe, M. (2016). Addressing Microaggressions and Epistemic Injustice: Flourishing from the Work of Audre Lorde. Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, 24(1).
Waters, K. (2016). A journey from willful ignorance to liberal guilt to Black feminist thought. Depart Crit Qual Res, 5(3), 108-115.
Winderman, E. (2019). Anger’s Volumes: Rhetorics of Amplification and Aggregation in# MeToo. Women's Studies in Communication, 42(3), 327-346.