Anti-Oppressive Organizational Review
Are you experiencing high turnover? Is everyone on your staff of a similar background, race, or class? Are you aware of the "Good Ole Boys Club" and the "Super Secret White lady network" but aren't sure how to address the issues? The Anti-Oppressive Organizational review is an iterative and generative process that helps elucidate oppressive norms, values, rules, and structures that govern an organization and provide barriers to a continuously inclusive environment.
*Pre-Consultation Meeting Required
Mixed-Method Researcher and Analyst will partner with your organization to nexus-specific design metrics that uphold equity and accountability.
DEI Consulting
Diversity efforts without creating an equitable environment (norm, values, rules and structures). Contact me to help identify the needs of your staff and the constrainst of your systems to navigate an equitable way forward.
*Pre-Consultation Meeting Required
Anti-Oppressive Program Design
If you are an entrepreneur, community group, service provider, or non-profit organization seeking to plan programming to solve some social issue afflicting your population of interest, let Surbersive Social Work guide that process to ensure that the population is being served. This service includes creating programs that leverage redistribution efforts and foments divestment for the Non-Profit Industrial Complex.
*Pre-Consultation Meeting Required
Community Services
We provide services to meet the needs of minoritized community members in Platteville at little to no cost to the family. If you are in need of advocacy, support, tutoring, business development, career/education counseling, Please reach out and ask about Community Sevices today!
Anti-oppressive Trainings and/or Speaking Engagements
To arrange a training or speaking engagement on a specific topic, schedule a Pre-Consultation Meeting today.
Workshops and Learning Opportunities
Scheduled workshops to meet our communities' learning needs. Workshops conducted at Our Spot Pville